Place-enabled productivity

When it comes to the workplace, the conversation often focuses on cost. This is reasonable: real estate costs in most businesses are the second largest after people.

However, it is important to remember that the workplace is there for our people. Our facilities are often the primary environment in which we ask our people to perform.

Workplace Value Proposition

The workplace can be evaluated as a value proposition: on the one hand, there are significant costs associated with leasing, fitting-out, and operating our workplaces. On the other, our people need an effective working environment in order to be highly productive.

The cost side of this value proposition can be addressed using occupancy analytics, demand-based portfolio planning and operationalized analytics.

Providing an effective workplace requires a holistic approach. Research undertaken by Advanced Workplace Associates (London) and The Center for Evidence-Based Management (Amsterdam) that considered 800+ studies published between 1985 and 2015, and focused on 109 individual studies and 52 meta-analyses, found that the six factors with the highest correlation to knowledge worker productivity are:

  • Social cohesion
  • Perceived Supervisory Support
  • Information Sharing
  • Goal Clarity
  • External Outreach
  • Trust

Several of these factors can be influenced by workplace design, some by workplace technology and others by workplace programs.

The trend towards remote and virtual work styles places even greater importance on ensuring that the work places that your people are using – whether they are your own facilities, people’s homes, or third-space (co-working, serviced offices, airport lounges, etc.) – are offering them the best possible opportunity to contribute to your business.

Working with a hand-picked team of independent experts in business psychology, executive coaching and innovation, we can help you address this opportunity head-on, with pragmatic, experience-based and grounded approaches to maximising the value achievable from your workplaces.